Material : Glass – Packaging
Packaging glass, together with fl at glass, dominates the glass industry globally in terms of volume and sales. In 2021 alone, USD 52 billion worth of glass packaging of all types was sold worldwide. In addition to food and beverages, glass is also used to store medicines, cosmetics and chemicals. Competition comes from plastic, aluminium and paper packaging manufacturers. However, glass has the unique advantage of being 100% recyclable, durable and resistant to External factors. Weaknesses are, in turn, breakability, weight and, above all, energy and raw material intensive production, all of which manufacturers address by increasing strength and reducing weight, quality shard management (including rigorous recycling) and the search for more economical and environmentally friendly glass melting methods in aggregates. In the Czech Republic, the production of packaging glass does not command such a major position as in the global context. With a value of CZK 5.5 billion (2021), it ranks fourth behind fl at glass, utility glass and fi breglass, just ahead of other glass. Glass bottles account for the largest volume, but other types of packaging, including laboratory glass, are also produced. Production is dominated by multinationals. These are capital-intensive brands with their own scientifi c research facilities and know-how. However, companies owned by Czech enterpreneurs are also represented. According to a forecast published by a foreign analytical agency, by 2030, the world glass packaging market should be worth USD 80 billion. And although China is considered the largest and fastest growing market, Czech producers are expected to benefi t from this positive global trend.
Publisher: Muzeum skla a bižuterie v Jablonci nad Nisou, 2023
Curator, Idea, Concept, Texts: PhDr. Petr Nový, Ph.D.
Language: Czech, English
Number of pages: 26
Dimensions: 235 x 205 mm
Weight: 120 g
ISBN 978-80-86397-47-4
Sale price in the museum: 100,- CZK (only in person at the museum cash desk)