Information for visitors

Museum Kristiánov

Museum of glass and jewellery

Visiting regulations

Entrance fee

The whole museum


160 CZK

Pensioners (65+), disabled persons

110 CZK

Children and students 7–26 years

50 CZK

Family entrance fee I.
(2 adults + 1–3 children/students 7–26 years;
every other child/student pays 50 CZK)

350 CZK

Family entrance fee II.
(1 adult + 1–3 children/students 7–26 years;
every other child/student pays 50 CZK)

200 CZK


Discounted admission (only on selected announced days)


100 CZK

Pensioners (65+), disabled persons

80 CZK

Children and students 7–26 years

50 CZK

Family entrance fee I.
(2 adults + 1–3 children/students 7–26 years;
every other child/student pays 50 CZK)

250 CZK

Family entrance fee II.
(1 adult + 1–3 children/students 7–26 years;
every other child/student pays 50 CZK)

150 CZK

Free entrance

Children up to the age of 6

Members of the Association of Museums and Galleries,
holders of ICOM card, staff members of the National Institute
for Monuments of Art

Museum staff and their family member

Travel agency guides and persons
accompanying groups of children

Handicapped persons and children’s homes

Art schools from the Czech Republic

Temporary exhibitions


80 CZK

Children and students 7–26 years,
pensioners (65+), disabled persons

50 CZK

Reduced entrance fee

Contract partners
(Jizerky CARD, Harrachov CARD)

20 %

Programs for organized groups of children and students

Expositions, exhibitions, without workshop program / 1 child

40 CZK

Expositions, exhibitions, with workshop program / 1 child

50 CZK

30 CZK

Other services


30 CZK

Discounted admission will only be granted upon presentation of the relevant document.

  • Free audio guide for your mobile phone – CZ, EN, PL, DE, RU

    Download a free audio guide to exhibitions in the main building here: or by using the QR code reader apps

  • Discounted Services for Travel Agencies

    We recommend to report your tours in advance at No cancellation fees are charged.

    For tours organized by travel agencies and after a previous agreement, a discount of 20% is given to the travel agencies. The 20% discountiscalculated from the paid basic and/or reduced entrance fee for a group of 20 and more people. The guide and driver have free entry.  The payment can be also invoiced (the commission will be deducted from the invoiced sum).

    In case of repeated visits of smaller travel agency groups, the 20% provision is given after reaching 100 visitors – travel agency clients in the last 12 months.

    It is also possible to ask for a guided tour in case of a larger group, however the order has to be placed at least 2 weeks in advance. We offer guided tours in Czech, English, German languages. Guided tours in a foreign language for smaller groups up to 20 people is charged 500 CZK (including VAT). This service is free for larger groups.

    Note: there are also 10 pcs of audio guides in Czech, English, German, Polish and Russian available for smaller groups.

    For bus parking, you can use the dedicated space on Horní náměstí in Pod Baštou street (approx. 500m from the museum) or at the bus station (100m from the museum).

    Note: Price list for using the Jablonec nad Nisou bus station (valid from 1 June 2024): CZK 60 for 1 entrance to the bus station (billed according to the valid timetable), CZK 250/day – parking fee of commercial (tourist) buses in the area of ​​the bus station. Parking can be ordered at: Jablonecká dopravni a. s.

Special open days 2025

1 January 2025 – Closed

6-24 January 2025 – Closed for technical reasons

25 January - 3 March 2025 – Limited access to permanent exhibitions for technical reasons

18 May – International Day of Museums - Entry free

30 June - 31 September – also open on Mondays

27 October – exceptionally open on Monday

24 December – Closed

29 December – exceptionally open on Monday

31 December – Closed

Where to find us.

Wheelchair access

The entire museum is wheelchair accessible. Wheelchair users can use the parking space at the side entrance to the museum..
For access from the car park in Lipanská, use the marked route (c. 300 m).

Mapa jablonec Mapa jablonec