Jewellery Is Not Just an Ornament

The publication maps the Czech jewellery scene, its specifics and significant milestones from the second half of the 20th century to the present. It summarizes the history of Czech theory of this field, and from an art historical point of view it presents the development of Czech designer jewellery and costume jewellery. It provides information on important authors, public collections of jewellery in the Czech Republic, publications and industry activities, thus providing a comprehensive mapping of the field after the turn of the millennium. The topics of the individual chapters deal with the methods of theoretical treatment of Czech authorial jewellery and costume jewellery, conceptual terminology, morphology and materials, jewellery symposia in the Jablonec region, glass jewellery and authorial design. The pictorial documentation of the publication focuses on objects from the collection of the Museum of Glass and Costume Jewellery in Jablonec nad Nisou.

Publisher: Muzeum skla a bižuterie v Jablonci nad Nisou / 2023

Texts: PhDr. Kateřina Nora Nováková, Ph.D.

Language: česky, anglicky

Number of pages: 246

Dimensions: 235x205mm

Weight: 1218 g

ISBN: 978-80-86397-49-8