Meeting in the Spanish Glass factory La Granja - UNESCO

Czech, French, German, Spanish, Finnish and Hungarian glassmakers are impatiently waiting for the Intergovernmental Committee to decide positively on the inclusion of HANDMADE GLASS in the prestigious UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. This is supposed to happen this December in Botswana, Africa.

But the glassmakers of the six countries are not passively waiting for joint registration. They met this week at the Spanish glass factory La Granja near Madrid and are brainstorming activities that can help promote the glass craft and maintain diverse glass technologies. The Czech Republic is represented by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the National Institute of Folk Culture and the Museum of Glass and Jewelery in Jablonec nad Nisou through experts who participated in the complex process of transnational nomination.

In addition to planning joint projects for the future, glassmakers from all participating countries exchange experiences, discuss common problems and try to propose solutions that will help the industry function and flourish in the future. And of course they blow and work glass! The Czech Republic is represented by Florianova Hut - Glass Studio from Častolovice near Česká Lípa.


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